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Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Gi ho
A couple of years back ( last year I think) I bought a couple wrestling DVDs at Best Buy. It was a female wrestling looked really sleazy. Well long story short, it wasn’t nearly as “good” as advertised ( what is), lots of thongs but the nip slips were censored, girls had pasties under their tops. Still there was something interesting about it. For female wrestling it was really hard edged. The wrestling promotion was DWOW or Dangerous Women of Wrestling. The DVDs that

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Search Engine Optimization and SEO Tools
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Miley 2
for you pervs who want to see Miley in a bikini, remeber shes still only 17 but here ya go
Miley Cyrus gets a tattoo
Miley Cyrus has once again made the headlines in a negative fashion. This times America’s collective ire has been raised over the appearance of a tattoo on the young starlets torso. Miley is of course best known as the star of Disney’s Hannah Montana, where she plays both down to earth Miley and pop sensation Hannah Montana. Miley Cyrus is a role model to thousands if not millions of young girls around the world. On Television she presents a squeaky clean image of an American teenager dealing with a normal teens pressure as well as the pressure of being a superstar. On the show Miley and Hannah are able to keep their lives separate. Unfortunately for Miley in real life her personal private life is inexorably intertwined with her stardom. Every mistake and faux pas of Miley’s is almost instantly internet fodder.
Miley is no stranger to controversy. Risqué photos of the Hannah Montana star were leaked to the internet, leading to outrage that a teenage girl would ever wear a bikini or behave in a the way that a teenager would. Then a vanity fair photo shoot, with a topless shot of Miley Cyrus, that admittedly was as creepy as it was beautiful. Miley also made headlines for dating boy in his twenties while she was only seventeen. More provocative pictures hit the net including and almost nipple slip during a Hannah Montana video shoot. A lot of the blame for the pictures has to go on her handlers but we as Americans have to take some blame too. We have to admit that Miley behaves the way most teens do and accept it as fact. Maybe we should stop worrying about what Miley does and teach our kids not to emulate every famous person on television.
As to the tattoo, we get all excited and there is no proof that it is anything more than a temporary. Honestly it is none of our business, that is between Miley Cyrus and her parents, and possibly the courts if a law was broken. Tattooing is illegal under the age of eighteen although some states apparently allow tattoos with parental permission. I think trying to track down where Miley got the tattoo and if it was legal is a major waste of time and resources. Law enforcement tends to turn a blind eye to underage celebrities anyway. How many times have underage celebrities been caught intoxicated on camera or driving illegally? Isn’t this far worse than a tattoo? Do we really need nationwide manhunt for who tattooed Hannah Montana?
Laws against underage tattoos are for the most part just another attempt for the government to legislate morality. Sure there are dangers to tattoos such as infections and possible blood borne pathogens but reputable shops should be fairly safe. Better to get a legal tattoo than one done in a basement or back room of someone’s house. Authorities cannot even stop tattooing in prison, how can we prevent it in the real world? A tattoo artist takes his skill home with him and can easily carry his equipment. How many underage girls end up trading sexual favors for illegal tattoos? I have personally met underage girls with tats, who told me exactly how they managed to get them. Isn’t the risks involved with underage sex more dangerous than the risks of a tattoo? I’m not naive though, girls will still have sex, they will still use sex as a trade item even if tats are legal, but they will still get tattoos even if they are illegal.
As for Miley she is just a girl making the decisions and mistakes that girls make every day. Maybe we as America should be less worried about Hannah Montana and more worried about important issues. America is at war, we are in the midst of a recession and the top internet search is for Miley Cyrus. A seventeen year old girl commands more attention than the deaths of United States soldiers. Maybe we all need to take a step back and reassess what really matters. Maybe we should take time to spend with our kids. Maybe even watch Hannah Montana with them and let them learn from how she handles her problems on TV. The we can let our kids see the mistakes Miley makes and help them understand how best to cope with the pressures that Miley, and many others deal with every day. Hannah Montana may be famous but you can bet your kids will be faced with a lot of the same choices she faces. Maybe they will not get the exposure but the temptations will be similar. Teach your kids not to emulate their favorite stars.
After all this give Miley Cyrus a break. Tiger Woods is a grown up and isn’t handling his life much better. Miley is just a teen, let her be a teen. Guys stop searching for pictures of Miley in a bikini. Remember she is a child, even though she is starting to look like a woman. Would you want someone downloading pictures of your seventeen year old daughter to masturbate too? Lets let her grow up as normal as she can under the circumstances. We really don’t need another Britney on a stretcher type pop star just yet.
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